Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Political Neutrality, Government Apathy

Among the many issues and chaos in the political world [along with historical records and prophecies], are men capable of human rule?

  While driving back to campus from spring break, I noticed a bumper sticker on a nearby car that read, “DON’T STEAL, The government hates competition!” The bearer of such feelings is a candidate for maintaining apathy for the direction of local, national, and global governments alike. Government apathy can be classified as indifference or a lack of interest in anything concerning politics and government. People who avoid politics are considered as either un-American or seen as shamming a right that many people have been fighting to attain for many years. According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, 40% of over 1800 Echo Boomers (our Generation Y brothers and sisters) haven’t included themselves in the voting process (Svoboda)*.

Neutrality is the state of supporting neither side nor political party, nor does it involve participation in local or global world affairs, wars, or controversies. It’s one thing for a person to be apathetic towards government rule, but when it comes to political neutrality, people either don’t know about it or they feel that it’s a myth. It’s another melting pot of mixed feelings: Can people really promise others a systematic way of life that’s free from oppression, suppression, depression, and repression? When it comes to politics, it’s evident that man has dominated man to his own destruction.

  Democracy, totalitarianism, and other ruling methods have resulted in not providing what we need. The world has food shortages, threats and outbreaks of wars, homelessness, fluctuating unemployment rates, and justice that is not JUST in any way, shape or form as well as discrimination of many forms. Those who are not in such situations are either enjoying temporary materialistic gains or are working everyday and praying that the next day won’t be eviction day. For a number of years, citizens of this earth have been hearing promises and have seen those promises broken. In order to attain peace on earth and free the world from the pangs of anarchy, all (not just many or some) must come together for total cooperation and not let selfish interests sidetrack the goal for unification.

Pardon me for sounding politically incorrect, neutral or apathetic, but the spirit of the world is not where it’s supposed to be. Just like people have their reason to choose sides in secular administration, others choose not to involve themselves in the redundant cycle of what can be called twisted elegance. There lies a plan to global perfection and equality, but greed and desire of power are causing discord and sadness. Prince said it right in his music when he sang, “Men aren’t fit to rule…Dear Mr. Man, what’s wrong with the world today? We tired.” 

*Generation Y showing increased political apathy by Megan Svoboda.


Fahari-Libertad Magazine "Global WarNing" Issue April/May 2008

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