Friday, August 28, 2009

Write On, Sista (Inside Black Hollywood Magazine)

Write On, Sista!

Written by admin in interviews at 6:22 pm on Aug 11th, 09

Aspiring lifestyle journalist Eboyne’ Jackson has been on the move to her success and shows no signs of stopping.

eboyneFrom print media to her eye-catching website to the many hits for her radio and public access show, Jackson is hitting the journalism world with massive force. Jackson earned a Bachelor’s degree in English and a Communications minor from Post University in 2007. Since then, she has been contributing, writing, and corresponding for various publications and began to utilize radio and TV in order to expand her audience.

“The Ebony radio show like a part two to the Eboyne’ talk show,” Jackson said. “The TV show is more timely and there is not a lot of editing for the radio.” As a staff writer of Parle’ Magazine, Jackson got in touch with urban author, Relentless Aaron for an interview. They touched based a short time after the interview and began talking business. “Relentless Radio stays true to fun, fabulousity, and whimsical commentary.” Jackson’s radio show has reached more than 10,000 views in just two weeks after its debut and has interviewed Abiola Adams, author Omar Tyree, and Christian Keyes.

“From spirituality and faith to health and beauty and with dynamics on how to go about being multi-faceted, listeners can feel like they can do it,” Jackson states. In addition to her multimedia talents and work with Parle’ Magazine, Jackson writes for various print and online publications. She has graced the pages of Iconography, Diva Dymes, Dynamically Advanced Movements, and Street Confinement Magazines, as well as the New Hampshire Telegraph, the Connecticut Republican-American Newspapers and AOL Black Voices. The positions that she holds with the publications include staff writer, columnist, correspondent, feature fashion writer, fashion editor, and music editor.
Jackson has interviewed a plethora of movers, shakers and entertainers, such as radio personality Miss Info, Pastry designers Vanessa and Angela Simmons, singer and producer Ne-yo, and celebrity stylist Dr. Boogie. She also stated that she was fortunate to attend and cover the presidential inauguration of Barack Obama earlier this year. Soon, she’ll be adding author and fashion designer to her résumé. She is currently working on the manuscript of her first book.

“It’s a self-help book focusing on women empowerment, our place in the world, and how God designed us to be beautiful,” Jackson said. “We can be fun, sensual and sexy without compromising our dignity.” With the book geared toward Christian women and all women in general, Jackson emphasizes about how important it is for people to notice their appearance and portrayal to their environments. “The people I interviewed in my book are offering their own critique on beauty…presenting one’s self commentary with spiritual reference, we do have to answer to someone for our actions,” she concluded.
Jackson is also looking to Anna L. Sparkman to help her with the beginning phases of her clothing line catering to curvy women. Jackson is taking her time in order to achieve the right results. The clothes are being catered to fit women with various shapes, like the big hips, small waist, etc. With her flair for glamorous fashion and her journalistic advancements, we can expect a lot from Ms. Jackson in the months to come. Check out her literary passions and latest interviews at

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Monday, August 17, 2009


Look at the 30-page Michael Jackson Tribute with a byline by Marcus A. Scott!

"As the Summer 2009 research and production Essence Intern, I had the excellent opportunity to pitch ideas to the magazine for the September issue, which had to be "crashed in" because of Michael Jackson's shocking death at 50. We had many projects at this time--including our summer project, writing profile features for future files, working on the 40th Anniversary Issue, and various other projects we had at this time--so this was a doozy trying to pull this off! I pitched several ideas, some of which made it in to the magazine. As interns, we covered the timeline and by-the-numbers. My role after this was to compile most of the info, then find sources, then find more facts, and more numbers and to make it as cohesive as possible. This took speaking to the RIAA, Billboard, the Grammys, TV guide and various other media outlets that cater to entertainment, music, pop culture and philanthropy--all of which Michael Jackson has influenced. It was very fun, but took alot of effort. You could say that this was my project, but all of the interns did a lot finding great factoids."

-Marcus Scott (credited as Marcus A. Scott) about his experience working with the magazine. Marcus was a Summer 2009 intern with Time, Inc., publisher of Essence. He worked as the research, processing and production intern, and was housed in Columbia University. He says the experience was a great one!

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